SIA “Rīgas ūdens” is the largest provider of water supply and wastewater services in Latvia, ensuring the delivery of high-quality drinking water and the collection and treatment of wastewater. The company serves over 600 000 residents and maintains an extensive infrastructure network, including water pipelines, sewer networks, and treatment plants.
SIA "Rīgas ūdens" is owned by the Riga City Municipality, which holds 100% of the company's capital shares.
The primary goal of SIA “Rīgas ūdens” is to provide reliable and high-quality water management services, ensure the sustainable and secure use of water resources vital to Riga, manage strategically important infrastructure, and encourage public participation in reducing water pollution.
A sustainably managed and technologically advanced water management company, a reliable service provider, employer, and cooperation partner.
We provide water management services for the development of the city and the well-being of its residents.
water extraction, storage, and preparation for use before distribution to the centralized water supply network;
delivery of water from the supply point in the centralized water supply network to the property boundary.
collection of wastewater in centralized sewer systems (excluding rainwater collection systems) from the property boundary and transportation to wastewater treatment facilities;
treatment of wastewater and its discharge into the environment, including surface water bodies.
The Supervisory Board of LLC "Rīgas ūdens" was established on September 8, 2020, and consists of three members. As the company's supervisory body, the Supervisory Board represents the shareholder's interests between shareholder meetings, oversees the Management Board’s activities, contributes to strategic development, and ensures effective financial and risk management oversight. The board's principles of operation and key responsibilities are defined in the Articles of Association and the Supervisory Board's Regulations, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Management Board of LLC "Rīgas ūdens" consists of three members who ensure the company's operations and development. The board is responsible for the company's day-to-day management, financial oversight, and accounting, in compliance with the Articles of Association, board regulations, and legal requirements. It supervises the use of the company's resources and ensures compliance with established standards and shareholder meeting decisions. The Management Board operates based on the principles set out in the Articles of Association and its own Regulations, in line with applicable laws. The board collectively represents the company, and its members may authorize one or more of their peers to handle specific transactions or types of transactions.